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Peter Zeihan – Is India the Next China?

  • Strategic largesse of the United States: The US created the globalized system to allow the import and export of everything on a global basis without having to secure territory or sea lanes militarily.
  • Hyper financialization: The Chinese system is dependent upon the ongoing strategic largesse of the US, which is a very bad plan. The US has the ability to kill this overnight if it chooses to.
  • Demographics: India has slowly transitioned to a chimney demography, but the process started a lot later than it did in China and is proceeding at a slower speed. India has plenty of people under 40 to do consuming and still have kids.
  • Closeness to resources: India is closer to the resources it needs, such as food and minerals, than China is. India is also the first stop out of the Persian Gulf, so it is unlikely to ever have an energy crisis.

Published February 27, 2023
Visit YouTube to watch Peter Zeihan’s original vlog Peter Zeihan – Is India the Next China?

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William McClain
By William McClain TL;D[R|W|L] Made Easy!
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