- Jess Grose’s book “Screaming on the Inside: The Unsustainability of American Motherhood” was made possible because of her parents, who were able to provide secondary parenting for her two elementary-age daughters.
- The book is rooted in sociology and ungaslights, underlining that the problem with parenting is not the individual’s, but how we have organized society.
- Jess examines why we expect to feel good during pregnancy and the history of how these ideas developed.
- The subtitle of the book “unsustainable” is based on the idea that individual choices are not enough to fix the issue and that we need support systems from the government, work, and families to sustain parenting.
- Jess’s advice is to take baby steps and find one thing today that you don’t have to do that you could simply not do.
- In order to get people on board for changes that don’t directly affect them, people need to talk about their own experiences in their own communities.
- Finally, Jess hopes that the primary takeaway from the book is to leave space for each others’ real feelings, which is an important part of change.
Click HERE for the original. Published December 21, 2022