TL;D[R|W|L] Made Easy!

The War in Ukraine in Eight Photos [Peter Savodnik, The Free Press]

  • Yulia (center), a teacher, signed up as a soldier when war broke out in Ukraine in February 2022. This conflict has caused 60,000 Russian casualties and 100,000 Ukrainian casualties, including 400 children, and has forced the West to realize that the “end of history” is a fantasy. The U.S. has funneled $68 billion in military hardware and humanitarian aid to Ukraine.
  • Award-winning photographer Lynsey Addario has been covering the Ukrainian conflict, despite having been kidnapped twice. She believes that journalists should hold people like Putin accountable for his crimes, and to provide a historical record for viewers to see and understand what is happening.
  • Addario has captured searing images of the war, such as a sheared off apartment building from a missile strike, a woman crying with a rifle before being transferred to a base, a family killed by shrapnel while fleeing a bridge, Ukrainian drone team reviewing kills, a woman cradling her baby in a moldy shelter basement, a babushka celebrating a Ukrainian soldier, and a man with a bloody and bruised face from a 2,000-pound warhead missile strike.
  • Addario has had many close calls in Ukraine, and the people there have come to realize that there are no limits to the evil they are facing. Now the feeling is that there is no going back.

Published February 22, 2023
Visit The Free Press to read Peter Savodnik’s original post The War in Ukraine in Eight Photos

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William McClain
By William McClain TL;D[R|W|L] Made Easy!
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