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A New Wave of German Strategic Defense Policy [Peter Zeihan, Zeihan on Geopolitics]

  • Today, Christine Lambrecht, a German social democratic politician with no experience in defense, has resigned as Defense Minister.
  • Lambrecht’s appointment was intentionally intended to lead the Defense Ministry into a state of functional oblivion.
  • The changing geopolitical environment in Europe, with the resurgence of Russian military activity, has rendered Lambrecht’s lack of experience in defense matters a liability.
  • Her resignation provides an opportunity for Germany to revisit its strategic policy, particularly in regards to sending Leopard tanks to Ukraine.
  • This movement is further supported by pressure from other NATO member countries, including Denmark and Poland.
  • German approval is needed in order for these tanks to be shipped to Ukraine, and is expected to come soon.
  • This could potentially lead to further conversations in Germany about strategic policy and their own contribution to the military effort.

You can watch the full A New Wave of German Strategic Defense Policy on YouTube – Published January 17, 2023

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William McClain
By William McClain TL;D[R|W|L] Made Easy!
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