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Canada’s Balancing Act [Joseph Politano, Apricitas Economics]


• Canada’s economic fortunes are tied to America’s, but the country has taken a more conservative approach to the pandemic, leading to slower real GDP growth.
• Now, however, Canada’s economy is on better footing than America’s, with better public health policies leading to faster employment recovery and a commodity boom.
• Inflation has surged, but firms expect cost pressures to decelerate and the Bank of Canada has raised rates by 0.25%.
• Job growth has been strong and broad-based, with immigration and tourism returning.
• Capacity constraints are abating, and wage growth remains comparatively muted.
• The commodity cycle is a headwind, with the value of Canadian commodity exports falling.
• Canadian banks are not tightening as aggressively as their American counterparts.

Published February 11, 2023
Visit Apricitas Economics to read Joseph Politano’s original post Canada’s Balancing Act

Will Jordan Peterson Lose His License for Wrongthink? [Neeraja Deshpande, The Free Press]


• Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson has been threatened with the revocation of his license to practice psychology by the College of Psychologists of Ontario for making controversial comments on Twitter and a podcast.
• The College is demanding that Peterson go through a re-education program and sign a statement admitting he “lacked professionalism” in his public statements.
• The College’s ultimatum is part of a larger trend of institutions of higher learning punishing dissenters and pathologizing political disagreement.
• The College’s actions have revealed its prioritization of punishing wrongthink over facilitating open discourse.

Published January 6, 2023. Visit The Free Press to read the original post. TL;D[R|W|L] Made Easy!
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