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Gas Stoves and Asthma [Emily Oster, ParentData]


• A new paper suggests that gas stoves are responsible for 12.7% of childhood asthma cases, but existing literature on the relationship between gas stoves and asthma is mixed.
• The paper’s estimates are based on an assumption from existing literature that gas stove ownership increases asthma rates by about 30%.
• Studies have found positive correlations between asthma and gas stove exposure, but the effects are a bit noisy and do not necessarily paint a consistent picture.
• Cross-sectional data at the state level does not suggest a strong relationship between gas stove ownership and childhood asthma rates.
• Replacing gas stoves is not likely to be necessary for most people, but those with children with (or at risk for) asthma may want to consider it.
• If not replacing the gas stove, running the hood fan and using a HEPA filter with an activated carbon filter can help reduce nitrogen dioxide levels.

Published January 11, 2023. Visit ParentData to read Emily Oster’s original post.

We Have a Tripledemic. Not of Disease, But of Fear. [Vinay Prasad, The Free Press]


• The media has been filled with stories about the “tripledemic” of Covid-19, influenza, and RSV, which is being blamed for high rates of illness and hospitalizations, especially among children.
• The best available evidence contradicts the narrative from the media and many public health officials, and the insistence on never-ending precautions in the face of inevitable exposure to germs is not only medically misguided, it also threatens to stigmatize the most mundane human interactions.
• There is limited evidence that the tripledemic exists, and no evidence that prolonged precautions delay the inevitable.
• There is no avoiding respiratory viruses, and it is natural, healthy, and necessary for young children to be exposed to many viruses in order to build immunity.
• The evidence to support masking was thin before Covid-19, and there is no evidence that masking young children for Covid-19, flu, and RSV viruses is effective.
• Covid-19 disrupted all aspects of life, and as the disruptions fade, other viruses have inevitably returned. Hospitals should prepare for this, and federal reimbursement should pay for pediatric beds.

Published January 10, 2023. Visit The Free Press to read the original post.

When Should You Brush Your Teeth? [Emily Oster, ParentData]

  • Brushing your teeth is an important part of oral hygiene to remove food debris and plaque, which can lead to cavities and tooth decay.
  • Highly acidic foods can soften enamel and make it more easily worn away by brushing.
  • If your breakfast is not highly acidic, brushing after is fine.
  • If your breakfast is highly acidic, brushing before may be better, and flossing or rinsing can also help remove food debris.

Click HERE for original. Published December 15, 2022 TL;D[R|W|L] Made Easy!
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